100 Leetcode Must Known


  1. Two Sum
  2. Container With Most Water
  3. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
  4. Product of Array Except Self
  5. Maximum Subarray
  6. Merge Intervals
  7. Rotate Array
  8. Combination Sum
  9. Missing Number
  10. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array


  1. Reverse String
  2. Valid Anagram
  3. Longest Palindromic Substring
  4. Group Anagrams
  5. Valid Parentheses
  6. Longest Common Prefix
  7. String to Integer (atoi)
  8. Palindrome Permutation
  9. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
  10. ZigZag Conversion

Linked List:

  1. Reverse Linked List
  2. Merge Two Sorted Lists
  3. Add Two Numbers
  4. Remove Nth Node From End of List
  5. Intersection of Two Linked Lists
  6. Linked List Cycle
  7. Palindrome Linked List
  8. Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List
  9. Copy List with Random Pointer
  10. LRU Cache

Binary Tree:

  1. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
  2. Invert Binary Tree
  3. Symmetric Tree
  4. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
  5. Validate Binary Search Tree
  6. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
  7. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
  8. Path Sum
  9. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
  10. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List

Dynamic Programming:

  1. Climbing Stairs
  2. Coin Change
  3. Longest Increasing Subsequence
  4. Maximum Subarray
  5. Unique Paths
  6. Edit Distance
  7. House Robber
  8. Longest Palindromic Subsequence
  9. Word Break
  10. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock


  1. Course Schedule
  2. Number of Islands
  3. Word Ladder
  4. Clone Graph
  5. Minimum Spanning Tree
  6. Network Delay Time
  7. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
  8. Word Search
  9. Alien Dictionary
  10. Graph Valid Tree


  1. Permutations
  2. Subsets
  3. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
  4. Palindrome Partitioning
  5. Word Search
  6. Combination Sum
  7. N-Queens
  8. Generate Parentheses
  9. Sudoku Solver
  10. Restore IP Addresses

Sorting and Searching:

  1. Merge Intervals
  2. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
  3. Search in Rotated Sorted Array
  4. Find Peak Element
  5. Kth Largest Element in an Array
  6. Median of Two Sorted Arrays
  7. Search a 2D Matrix
  8. Merge k Sorted Lists
  9. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self
  10. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array

Stack and Queue:

  1. Valid Parentheses
  2. Min Stack
  3. Implement Queue using Stacks
  4. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
  5. Sliding Window Maximum
  6. Implement Stack using Queues
  7. Design Circular Queue
  8. Largest Rectangle in Histogram
  9. Design Snake Game
  10. Simplify Path


  1. Jump Game
  2. Container With Most Water
  3. Non-overlapping Intervals
  4. Partition Labels
  5. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons
  6. Task Scheduler
  7. Lemonade Change
  8. Queue Reconstruction by Height
  9. Gas Station
  10. Meeting Rooms II